Join the Comfort Club to Get Top Maintenance to Avoid Service Interruptions
Picture this – Midnight in the dead of winter. It’s 30 degrees below zero outside, and your furnace has stopped working. You realize with a chill that you’re facing a dangerous situation.
You need immediate help. Your first concern? Who can you call for an emergency rescue? And, what will it cost you to get a fast response from a reliable expert in the middle of the night in the dead of a Minnesota winter?
The Comfort Club from Plumbing and Heating by Craig ensures that you’ll be covered if an emergency ever does occur. When you join, you gain the peace of mind knowing you have expert repair only a phone call away. You’ll get our emergency contact information in case you ever do need help fast. And you take advantage of discounted service, too.
Comfort Club Services to Prevent Emergencies
Comfort Club members enjoy annual maintenance on major heating and cooling equipment to ensure safety, optimal performance, and reliability. The Comfort Club helps to protect your warranty coverage for heating and cooling equipment because manufacturer warranties typically cover only equipment that has been properly maintained. Chances are, with regular maintenance you’ll never find yourself without a working furnace in the frigid grip of a winter night.
Our yearly maintenance program includes:
Front of the Line Priority Service
Annual Heating, Cooling and Plumbing inspections
15 % discount on service and repairs
1 year service guarantee
Filter replacement program
Reduced after hours fee of $69
Reduced service fee of $59